State of decay 2

                                   State of decay 2 

State of Decay 2 is an open world zombie survival video game developed by Undead Labs and published by Microsoft Studios. It is a sequel to the 2013 video game State of Decay. The game was released on May 22, 2018 for Windows and Xbox One. It creates plenty of high-stakes moments, punctuated by the relative calm of foraging for supplies while always looking over your shoulder. It’s a potent mixture for a while, until the combination of repetitive missions and annoying bugs eventually dulls the joy of squashing heads, even when your co-op entourage rolls deep.

Image result for State of Decay 2

State of Decay 2 is a zombie survival game in which gameplay is experienced from a third-person view. The game is set in an open world environment and features cooperative gameplay with up to three other player.State of decay 2 feels like a far-too-real representation of the mundane reality that comes with surviving zombie apocalypse.In state of decay 2 you have to hunt for food,resources to craft ammunition, and surviors bloster.You're given the choice of three pairs of survivors to start with each with their own bare-bones background stories.the story doesn't matter but your decision does define your starting area you have to team up with the preliminary survivors with to combat a growing sickness called the blood plague.As your community struves to eradicate it from your town and build towars a brighter future.

That mission boils down to finding zombie-invested settlements that you’ll need to first scout out and ultimately destroy, with grotesque, beating Plague Hearts at the center. These fights are the only real way to measure progression through State of Decay 2’s otherwise open-ended campaign. Each settlement you conquer strengthens the rest, forcing you to step back and regroup before attempting to blow up the next. They're the toughest challenges the game has to offer, too, serving up waves of foes for you to fight as you valiantly lob another Molotov at the heart, hoping it vaporizes and takes all the nearby undead with it. Unfortunately, they are basic action set-pieces at their core, without much variety to help shake up the otherwise monotonous scavenging that surrounds them.

It’s a pity, too, because so many of them could’ve added a much-needed layer of strategy. As an example, your base features a threat level which governs how likely you are to attract a zombie attack. Creating new structures or powering them with generators creates noise and in turn increases the likelihood of an attack for a certain period. But even at the highest level, a community of just six members strong is often enough to fend off these attacks without needing explicit intervention on your part. Of the handful of moments that my character was radioed to return, the fight was over by the time I arrived. All structures intact, all survivors unharmed.

The friendlier survivors you encounter are injected with a sense of individuality thanks to numerous perks that come pre-assigned to them. One specialising in swordplay will be more effective with a bladed weapon, while another with computer skills can help expand your base of operations. The sheer breadth of options on offer might trick you into thinking that scrutinizing each potential new addition to your settlement is key, but that’s not the case. Frequently, State of Decay 2 informs you that clashing personalities are leading to fights at home base, but these never escalate to a point where you’re required to take action. You’ll never feel the need to exile an existing character or deny entry to one based on their lack of specific skills.
